Cover Supervisor jobs in Bedfordshire seem easier to come across these days. A lot of schools have seen the benefits in hiring Cover Supervisors as a way of dealing with their supply needs. Cover Supervisors in Bedfordshire have said they enjoy the flexibility of supply work, enjoy covering a variety of lessons and experiencing new environments.
Becoming a Cover Supervisor is a fantastic way to gain experience in UK schools. If you have worked with children, taught adults or have transferrable skills that could make you stand out in the classroom, this could be a career move to consider.
What is a Cover Supervisor?
In short, a Cover Supervisor is someone who supervises a class in the absence of a teacher and ensures that the work set is completed. Unlike a teacher, Cover Supervisors do not teach. They are more there to ensure the class is on track and to manage behaviour.
To become a Cover Supervisor you must have some experience working with young people. The role is great for those who may run or help to run after-school clubs or classes. Other perfect candidates for Cover Supervisor jobs in Bedfordshire are sports coaches, tutors, teaching adults, music and dance teachers and au pairs. It can also be helpful to those who are unsure whether a career in education is for them and want to trial it.
Starting a Cover Supervisor in Bedfordshire is also a great way to gain more UK experience if you have recently joined us from overseas.
Our Top 10 Tips for Cover Supervisors
- Always carry spare pens, rulers, pencils, board pens and other vital stationery with you
- Keep your diary up to date and use it for learning names and room numbers
- Keep to the timing of lessons and you will mostly be on time
- Arrive early enough to go through your timetable and look through lesson plans
- Check all materials needed are in the classroom before the students arrive
- Circulate amongst the students while they are working to ensure they are all on task
- Always leave the classroom as you found it
- Welcoming students at the door starts the lesson off in a positive way
- Be assertive and calm without raising your voice. By doing this at the start of every lesson will help the students to understand your role in the classroom
- Leave feedback on the lesson, include any achievements or bad behaviour so the regular class teacher can follow it up
Here is a great link for some easy behaviour management tips, provided by the teacher toolkit. https://www.teachertoolkit.co.uk/2018/06/30/behaviour-management-tips-2/
Further Training for Cover Supervisor jobs in Bedfordshire
Tick Education offer training to those who want to become a Cover Supervisor. We offer tips and tricks on behaviour management and guide you through what you can expect as a Cover Supervisor. If you think you would make a great Cover Supervisor and have a genuine passion for seeing students reach their full potential send us your CV today. Enquire and send over your CV to info@tickeducation.co.uk or call us on 01234 975200. Alternatively, apply online at https://tickeducation.co.uk/contact-us/