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As Teachers and Teaching Assistants, you might find yourself working with a class of 20 to 30 children at the same time or on a 1 to 1 basis with a child. It shouldn’t be a case of group work vs 1 to 1, because there are benefits to both, but instead knowing what you need to do in both scenarios, so that you can create lessons that are fun and engaging for all children

Here are some tips when working with groups

  1. Create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued. Talk to the group as a whole, rather than talking to individuals and encourage the children to support each other and respect everyone’s opinions, even if its not the same as their own
  1. Treat every child fairly. If one child does something right and you reward them, you have to do exactly the same thing for another child who does the same. That also works for negative behaviour. You cant hand one child a detention for doing something wrong and then let another child get away with that same behaviour. Its important that all the children feel that they are equal in the classroom
  1. Create a positive culture where the children are motivated to contribute to group discussions with no fear of being ridiculed by the other children in the class. Encourage everyone to celebrate success and to cheer on each other when they have done well. This positive environment will make the children feel safe, comfortable and confident to share their views and learn the values of teamwork and respect
  1. Don’t judge any child based on their opinions or overreact to something that you don’t agree with, as this will have a negative effect where the child will feel embarrassed or humiliated. They will probably feel anxious and not contribute to group exercises. Its important to listen to the children’s views and to educate them if they have made a factual mistake, but to always make sure that you do it carefully and with respect so that they understand and still feel happy to take part in classes moving forward
  1. Adapt to different learners. Every child is different and will understand things in different ways. When creating lessons, remember to involve different teaching methods so that every child understands. Some children might be theoretical and prefer reading books, some are visual and like presentations with pictures and diagrams, some are kinaesthetic and like practical exercises and some might be auditory learners who like group discussions. Whatever the topic is, make sure that everyone is considered and this will lead to fun and engaging lessons for all learners

Here are some tips in 1 to 1 scenarios

  1. Get to know the child’s learning preferences. Like before, different children learn in different ways, so its important to understand what the best method of teaching is, so that you can support them to reach their full potential. If you don’t, then you might be wasting yours and the child’s time
  1. Be approachable. This will make the child feel comfortable with you and feel confident to tell you how they are feeling and express their views and opinions.
  1. Learn more about them so you can find out what their likes and dislikes are. Find a common ground that you can use to relate to the topics your teaching so that they find it easier to understand. Bring up certain things they have told you before to show that you’ve made an effort to remember. The child will appreciate this and will help you to build a positive relationship
  1. Keep a professional teacher child boundary. Building rapport with a child is crucial to having a positive relationship, but its vital that you maintain a professional space where the child feels safe. Make sure that the topics are age appropriate and can easily tie into the lessons your teaching
  1. Identify the child’s needs so you know the areas to focus and improve. If you have an understanding of what the goals are, this will make it easier for you to set targets with the child and have a plan for what you want to support them with

So, as we’ve already discovered, its not group work vs 1 to 1, but instead being ready to adapt to group work or 1 to 1

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