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A Day In The Life Of A Supply Teacher

A Day In The Life Of A Supply Teacher Do you love getting up in the morning and doing the same thing over and over again? Working with the same people, having the same conversations and doing the same job? No, I didn’t think so! Are you tied down to specific days and...
Interview Tips For Teachers

Interview Tips For Teachers

Have you ever got to an interview and just froze? There are a million witty anecdotes rushing around inside your mind but nothing seems to be coming out. When you go to talk, the back of your throat starts to close up as you take a nervous gulp. Your fingers are...

Back to School Checklist

Check out our handy back to school checklist to help prepare yourself for the new term. Whether you’re going back to primary or secondary school, we’ve listed the essentials so all you need to do is tick them off!

The best way to keep lessons effective

It’s that time of the year for all teachers to start looking at the year ahead. The best way to keep lessons effective, is being organised for every lesson and prepared with different back up options if things don’t always go to schedule. Here are a few points...

Wind Down This Summer – Top Tips

Congratulations, you did it! Another year has finished and now its time to wind down this summer with your sunglasses on and a well deserved ice cold drink in your hand. But how will you spend your 6 weeks off. Here are some ideas to help you relax and wind down this...