Do you find yourself asking how to handle stress as a teacher? It’s sad but true, being part of the teaching profession will be stressful at times. With all the focus shone onto the kids, teachers’ mental health can be unfairly cast aside. When you’re an outsider to the world of teaching it can be hard to grasp the amount of paperwork, lesson planning and marking that builds up. Oh, and let’s not forget actually running a classroom effectively! As of late, teaching online has also contributed to the rising stress levels of our teachers. Like getting students to stay engaged and on task is hard enough, let alone doing this through a screen.
Teachers we feel for you and want to help! You are the glue holding our children and a good education together. Tick Education have devised a list of top tips for how to handle stress as a teacher.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself
This phrase may be new to you, but not all modern phrases are just slang from today’s youth, some are very philosophical indeed! When you are feeling overwhelmed with stress, pause, just for a second. This can be tough to do, but by stopping and really thinking about what issues are piling up, will help you come up with a stronger game plan. Thinking about your problems will give you some much needed perspective. You may not be able to solve all your issues but you can start to chip away at them. You’ll be on the road to a fresh start in no time.
How to handle stress as a teacher? It takes time!
So, you’ve thought about what’s bothering you. Schedule time in to problem-solve. Think, what can I do to change this? If you are stressed about change, such as a new system you can’t get to grips with, take time out to learn it. The extra hour for the next few days will eradicate weeks or months of worry. It’s a good confidence booster too!
Set realistic goals
After identifying the problems and thinking how you can make positive changes, get a to-do list going. Set an end goal and then mini-goals to help you reach the target. How empowering does it feel ticking things off a list? Tick Education know, we named our company after it!
Don’t be afraid to ask others how to handle stress as a teacher
As mentioned before, it can be hard for someone out of the profession to really understand where you’re coming from. Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues for advice. Some schools may offer support groups or forums. Sharing advice with other professionals is a great way to build strong working relationships through trust and safe working environments.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Though a quote from Stephen King classic “The Shining”, a life lesson, nonetheless. No matter how busy things get, don’t forget to set aside some much needed you time. Relax and carry out stress-relieving activities. For some that could be playing squash, for others it could be curling up on the sofa with a good book or doing a painting. Socialise with friends and family and don’t allow your mind to become clouded by work and work alone. Everyone needs time to detox.
Tick Education hope, when you next ask yourself how to handles stress as a teacher, these tips will come in handy. Try the best strategy that works for you and most importantly don’t forget to be happy. Life is too short to be bogged down with stress. Also, remember, you got into teaching because you had a passion for education young minds. Don’t lose that passion over things that can be resolved.
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