01234 975200

A Safeguarding disclosure and how to handle it

Opening up about something distressing takes a lot of strength and bravery from a child. If a child has decided to open up to you and make a Safeguarding disclosure, this shows a lot of trust. As a teacher you must take any Safeguarding disclosure seriously, alert the...

Classroom Halloween Activity Ideas

Get ready to trick or treat with Tick this Halloween as we show you our five best Classroom Halloween activity ideas! Drawing pumpkin designs The first out of our five classroom Halloween activity ideas is all about pumpkins. A fundamental part of getting in the...

COVID Restrictions – Summary of Changes

It is widely known that our young people have been hugely affected by the COVID restrictions surrounding their education. Precious time has been lost due to lock downs and the continued isolation rules schools are having to follow. Recent figures released by the DFE...